Herb Drury - 1949 Winner
Meet "Herb" Drury, a St. Louis legend! Herb was one of our APS Audition winners in 1949.
Herb started his jazz piano career at 15. He graduated from the St. Louis Institute of Music with a Masters Degree in Performance. Herb went on to make his mark on the St. Louis jazz music scene with his trio and later as a duo. He was equally proficient as a classical pianist. He taught piano as well, which allowed him to guide and mentor many. His wisdom and love of music, life and family was contagious. Herb passed away at the age of 92, on Tuesday, December 1, 2020. He touched many lives and his legacy lives on.
Living St. Louis also featured him and his contribution to the music scene in St. Louis: https://fb.watch/bbE35xA1Dr/
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